

Begin of new application round in mid-September 2024


The new round of applications for 2024 will begin in late summer. The application portal will be activated in mid-September 2024. As applicant, please read the section "For applicants". The list of available projects will be updated during the summer.

Begin of new application round in mid-September 2024 2024-07-22T12:18:19+00:00

IMPRS Alumna Sibylle Anderl has been awarded “Rudolf Diesel Medal”


Dr. Sibylle Anderl received the award in the "Best Media Communication" category. Further information on this website: https://rudolf-diesel-medaille.de/beitraege/europas-aeltester-innovationspreis-die-rudolf-diesel-medaillen-gehen-2024-an/   The Rudolf Diesel Medal has been awarded since 1953. The award is presented annually to entrepreneurs and companies who have demonstrated both their inventive spirit and their ability to successfully implement ideas in business. Such successes have [...]

IMPRS Alumna Sibylle Anderl has been awarded “Rudolf Diesel Medal” 2024-07-12T12:45:51+00:00

Dissertation Prize of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK) in the DPG awarded to IMPRS alumna Dr. Huanchen Hu


IMPRS alumna Dr. Huanchen Hu has been awarded the 2024 Dissertation Prize of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK) of the DPG  "For her dissertation and the lecture entitled: Gravity tests with pulsars using new-generation radio telescopes. " Congratulations.   The divisions of the DPG united in the SMuK announce a dissertation prize. The aim of [...]

Dissertation Prize of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK) in the DPG awarded to IMPRS alumna Dr. Huanchen Hu 2024-06-13T16:08:33+00:00

2024 Promotionspreis der Stiftung für Physik und Astronomie in Bonn awardet to IMPRS alumnus Jakob den Brok


The Stiftung für Physik und Astronomie in Bonn awards the 2024 Promotionspreis to our IMPRS alumnus Dr Jakob den Brok.  His PhD thesis is titled "Unraveling Molecular Gas Conditions across Nearby Galaxies with CO Isotopologues". Congratulations.

2024 Promotionspreis der Stiftung für Physik und Astronomie in Bonn awardet to IMPRS alumnus Jakob den Brok 2024-02-06T11:27:10+00:00

Applications for IMPRS PhD positions are now possible (Deadline Nov. 1st).


Apply now   Please find the new IMPRS portal for applications here: https://imprs.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/ Projects for this application round are listed here: https://blog.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/imprs/for-applicants/phd-projects/ IMPRS Supervisors are listed on this page: https://blog.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/imprs/people-research/imprs-supervisors/ Contact information for current IMPRS students that are willing to answer any questions concerning accommodation, studies, life in Bonn and Cologne and any other issues [...]

Applications for IMPRS PhD positions are now possible (Deadline Nov. 1st). 2023-09-15T11:37:11+00:00

Two IMPRS researchers, Laila Linke and Diana Scognamiglio, among female physicists of the week


IMPRS alumna Laila Linke and IMPRS researcher Diana Scognamiglio have been highlighted by the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), as female physicists of the week (Laila: week 12, Diana: week 35). Enjoy: https://www.dpg-physik.de/vereinigungen/fachuebergreifend/ak/akc/publikationen/physikerin-der-woche?set_language=en

Two IMPRS researchers, Laila Linke and Diana Scognamiglio, among female physicists of the week 2022-08-29T13:06:22+00:00

Doctoral Thesis Prize to Arshia Jacob


The German Astronomical Society (AG) awards the 2022 Doctoral Thesis Prize to our IMPRS alumna Dr Arshia Maria Jacob.  In her dissertation, Arshia Jacob addressed fundamental, long-known but still largely unanswered questions about the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium. She collected data for various molecules and combined the results from the terahertz range with long-wave [...]

Doctoral Thesis Prize to Arshia Jacob 2022-11-30T12:44:35+00:00

IMPRS alumna Arshia Jacob receives Otto Hahn Award


Exciting news: IMPRS alumna Arshia Jacob not only received the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society, but in addition their prestigious Otto Hahn Award, which comes with funding for an independent research group. This is the second Otto Hahn Award at our IMPRS (the other went to Bia Boccardi). Congratulations to Arshia and her [...]

IMPRS alumna Arshia Jacob receives Otto Hahn Award 2022-06-22T17:39:21+00:00

IMPRS Board Member Andreas Eckart receives Ernst Mach Medal


Congratulations to our IMPRS board member Prof. Andreas Eckart for being awarded the Ernst Mach Medal 2021 for Merits in the Physical Sciences by the Czech Academy of Science. Prof. Eckart is teaching at our partner university of Cologne and has successfully supervised a significant number of PhD theses in the IMPRS.

IMPRS Board Member Andreas Eckart receives Ernst Mach Medal 2022-06-02T09:49:28+00:00