Event Category: Career event

Have you ever struggled with giving structure to your PhD project? Are you sometimes overwhelmed by too many things which all need to be done at once? Do you on occasion wonder where your day has gone because the “small task” you started in the morning took up the whole day? Do you feel there could […]

Title: Exploring Funding Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Speakers: Dr. Agustina Sforza, Viola Tegethoff In this talk, you will get an overview of the various types of funding available to early career researchers, particularly those who have recently obtained their PhDs or are in the final stages of completion. In addition, you will gain insights into […]

Title: Working at REWE Analytics Speakers: Dr. Axel Buddendiek, Rebecca Lass, Dr. Paul Rohde In this talk, we will give insights about the REWE Group Analytics Department. REWE Group, mostly known as one of the biggest supermarket chains in Germany, relies heavily on data analytics to improve its business. As data scientists and product owners who […]

Registration Deadline: August 20, 2024 Your PhD @ Max Planck- exploring doctoral programs Webinar on August 22, 2024 , 1-3 pm (CEST) Register here: https://events.gwdg.de/event/705/overview Are you a student eager to explore the prospect of pursuing a doctoral degree in Germany? Join us for an event tailored to provide invaluable insights into the advantages of obtaining […]

Meet the speaker: Students and postdocs from all IMPRS A&A partner institutes are invited to have a discussion with Prof. Andreas Quirrenbach (director at the Landessternwarte in Heidelberg)