IMPRS Supervisors

//IMPRS Supervisors
IMPRS Supervisors 2024-09-12T15:37:04+00:00

Dr. Arnaud Belloche

Star formation in the Milky Way, Astrochemistry

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Silke Britzen

Jets of Active Galactic Nuclei, jet launching and jet physics, Black Holes, supermassive binary black holes, General Relativity

 Dr. Andreas Brunthaler

Astrometry, Local Group, Galactic Structure, Radio Supernovae.

Dr. David Champion

Pulsar Surveys, Pulsar Timing, Gravitational Wave Background, Double Neutron-Star Systems.

Dr. Paulo Freire

Pulsar Survey, Pulsar Timing, Pulsars in Globular Clusters, Neutron-Star Masses.

Dr. Christian Henkel

Molecular Spectroscopy, Star Formation, Active Galactic Nuclei, Physical Constants.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Kadler

Black Holes, Relativistic Plasma Jets

Prof. Dr. Bernd Klein

Instrumentation, Digital Signal Processing, Receiver, Spectrometer

Dr. Hans-Rainer Klöckner

Radio astronomical instrumentation and observing techniques, interferometry

Prof. Dr. Yuri Kovalev

Parsec-scale ground and space VLBI studies of active galactic nuclei and blazars, physics of their radiation, magnetic field, synchrotron opacity, their central engines. Locating sources and understanding production of high energy astrophysical neutrinos. Formation and collimation of AGN jets. Radio-to-gamma-ray study of the synchro-compton emission of AGN. Application of astrometric radio VLBI and optical Gaia data to study optical jets in AGN. Scattering properties of interstellar medium in our galaxy. VLBI surveys to construct deep complete samples of compact extragalactic radio sources.

Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer

The research group searches for and exploits fast-rotating neutrons stars that are visible as radio pulsars. Their observations allow us to test general relativity and alternative theories of gravity and works towards the detection of a long-wave cosmological gravitational wave background.

Dr. Alex Kraus

Flux Density and Polarization Calibration of Continuum and Spectroscopic Observations, Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei, Properties of Radio Telescopes.

Dr. Thomas P. Krichbaum

Extragalactic Radio Sources, Active Galactic Nuclei, Structural and Kinematic Variability of AGN, Jet Physics Black Holes, Event Horizon, General Relativity Rapid Flux Density Variability Polarisation and Polarisation Variability of AGN Intraday Variability (IDV) and Interstellar Medium Interferometry, VLBI, mm-VLBI.

Dr. Andrei P. Lobanov

Physical Applications of VLBI Data, Spectral Properties of Compact Radio Sources, Probing the Conditions in the Broad-Line Region; Physics of Parsec-Scale Jets: Relation between Parsec-Scale Jet Spectra and Kinematics.

Dr. Robert Main

Fundamental physics

Prof. Dr. Karl Mannheim

Non-thermal Universe: Plasma-astrophysical processes such as wave-particle scattering and instabilities, particle acceleration, jet formation and composition, radiation processes including radio, gamma-ray, and neutrino emissions, blazars, clusters of galaxies, extragalactic background radiation, indirect dark matter detection

Dr. Sui Ann Mao

radio polarimetry, magnetic fields

Prof. Dr. Karl M. Menten

Millimeter & Submillimeter Astronomy, (Sub)Millimeter Wavelength Studies of Asteroids and Comets, Molecular Clouds and Star Formation, Late Stages of Stellar Evolution, Astro-Chemistry, the Galactic Center and its Neighborhood, Dust and Molecules in External Galaxies, the Distant Universe and Cosmology, (Sub)Millimeter Wavelength Instrumentation.

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ros

Active Galactic Nuclei as Studied with Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and with a Multi-Band Approach; Radio Supernovae; Gravitational Lensing; Phase-Referencing and High-Precision Astrometry; Polarisation VLBI.

Dr. Alan Roy

Active Galactic Nuclei, Starburst Galaxies, Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry, Spectral-Line Observations of the Interstellar Medium, Radio Astronomical Instrumentation Development.

Prof. Dr. Amélie Saintonge

Galaxy Evolution, Star Formation, Far-infrared, (sub)-millimeter and radio astronomy, optical spectroscopy.

Dr. Laura Spitler

Fast radio bursts, pulsars, ionized media

Dr. Vivek Venkatraman Krishnan

Binary pulsars, pulsar searching and timing, gravity tests and high performance computing.

Dr. Axel Weiss

Molecular and atomic gas in galaxies.

Dr. Norbert Wex

Gravity Tests with Pulsars, General Relativity and Pulsars.

Dr. Gunther Witzel

Imaging techniques, variability studies, accretion and star formation near the Galactic center.

Dr. Friedrich Wyrowski

Massive Star Forming Regions, Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy, Diffuse Clouds, Late Type Stars.

Prof. Dr. J. Anton Zensus

Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Active Galactic Nuclei, Jets in Galaxies, Observations at Millimeter Wavelengths, Polarization Mapping, Phase-Reference Mapping, Pulsar-VLBI, Space VLBI, Technical Developments (e.g. Imaging Techniques), Intraday Variability.

Dr. Kaustuv moni Basu

Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters, Properties of the Intra-Cluster Medium, Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect, Galaxy Cluster Radio Halos.

Prof. Dr. Frank Bertoldi

Star and Galaxy Formation in the Early Universe, APEX Sunyaev-Zeldovich Cluster Survey, Interstellar Medium, Radio Astronomical Technology and Software.

Prof. Dr. Frank Bigiel

 ISM in galaxies.

 Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jürgen Kerp

Galactic and Extragalactic HI (Project: Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey), High-Velocity Clouds, Multi-Frequency Astrophysics, Correlation Analyzes of Radio and X-Ray Data.

 Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer

Research Topics Include the Evolution of Single and Binary Stars, Nucleosynthesis, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Stellar and Circumstellar Hydrodynamics.

Prof. Dr. Andrina Nicola

Theoretical and observational cosmology;  methods for combining the information from different cosmological probes so as to better constrain our cosmological model and shed light on Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

 Prof. Dr. Cristiano Porciani

Cosmology, Galaxy Clustering, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Physics of the Intergalactic Medium, Structure of Dark-Matter Halos and Galaxy Formation.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Reiprich

Clusters of Galaxies, Supermassive Black Holes, Cosmology, X-Ray Astronomy.

Dr. Emilio Romano-Díaz

Aspects of the large scale structure of the universe and numerical galaxy formation process.

Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider

Gravitational Lensing, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy, Wide-Field Imaging.

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schober

Cosmic magnetic fields, Magnetohydrodynamics, Early Universe, First stars & galaxies, Star formation, Turbulence.

 Prof. Dr. Andreas Eckart

Stellar and Gas Dynamics in External Host Galaxies and Astrophysical Disks in General, the Analysis of the Stellar Populations in the Central Regions of Galaxies, as well as their Interaction with the Central Massive Black Hole. Interferometric Methods from the CM- via the MM- to the Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared Domain are being employed.

 Prof. Dr. Lucas Labadie

Astrophysics at high angular resolution, observational astrophysics using infrared long-baseline interferometry and adaptive optics, optical and infrared instrumentation for delivering high-angular resolution observation.

Prof. Dr. Dominik Riechers

Formation and evolution of Galaxies, ISM in galaxies.

 Prof. Dr. Peter Schilke

Formation of Massive Stars, Astrochemistry, Formation of Molecular Clouds.

 Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlemmer

Interstellar Molecules, High Resolution Spectroscopy, Collision Dynamics.

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walch-Gassner

Star Formation, Stellar Feedback, Turbulence, Physics of the interstellar medium (ISM), Gas cycle in galaxies.