press release

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Groundbreaking survey reveals secrets of planet birth around dozens of stars

In a series of studies, a team of astronomers has shed new light on the fascinating and complex process of planet formation. The stunning images, captured using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) in Chile, represent one of the largest ever surveys of planet-forming discs. The research brings together observations of more [...]

By | 2024-03-15T09:50:04+00:00 March 15th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on Groundbreaking survey reveals secrets of planet birth around dozens of stars

Gas on the run – ALMA spots the shadow of a molecular outflow from a quasar when the Universe was less than one billion years old

A team of researchers led by Assistant Professor Dragan Salak at Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor Takuya Hashimoto at the University of Tsukuba, and Professor Akio Inoue at Waseda University, has discovered the first evidence of suppression of star formation driven by an outflow of molecular gas in a quasar-host galaxy in the early Universe. Their [...]

By | 2024-02-05T09:32:19+00:00 February 5th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on Gas on the run – ALMA spots the shadow of a molecular outflow from a quasar when the Universe was less than one billion years old

SKA-Mid prototype dish creates first light image

The first prototype dish of the SKA-Mid telescope constructed on site in South Africa has achieved first light. The prototype, known as SKAMPI, is a fully functioning single-dish radio telescope in its own right and was funded by Germany’s Max Planck Society for technical commissioning and scientific use. It was designed by the SKAO’s international [...]

By | 2024-01-26T08:11:37+00:00 January 26th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on SKA-Mid prototype dish creates first light image

EHT collaboration published new results

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has released new images of M87*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Messier 87, using data from observations taken in April 2018. The paper “The persistent shadow of the supermassive black hole of M87” (Astronomy & Astrophysics, presents new images from the 2018 data that reveal [...]

By | 2024-01-19T07:41:52+00:00 January 19th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on EHT collaboration published new results

Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets and more: Observations show massive stars are indeed born as multiples

Observations presented in a detailed study using the ALMA radio observatory found four binary proto-stars, one triple, one quadruple and one quintuple system in one massive star cluster. This results, which have been published in Nature Astronomy (Li, S., Sanhueza, P., Beuther, H. et al. Observations of high-order multiplicity in a high-mass stellar protocluster. Nat [...]

By | 2024-01-16T10:50:49+00:00 January 16th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets and more: Observations show massive stars are indeed born as multiples

Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds

An international team of astronomers has revealed mysterious star formation at the far edge of the galaxy M83. The research used several instruments, including the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) from NRAO, along with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan's (NAOJ) [...]

By | 2024-01-16T09:58:55+00:00 January 16th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds

China launches new satellite for violent cosmic phenomena observation

China sent a new astronomical satellite named Einstein Probe (EP) into space to observe mysterious transient phenomena in the universe which flicker like fireworks, trying to reveal more about this violent and little-known side of the cosmos. The satellite is shaped like a lotus in full bloom and features 12 petals and two stamens. The [...]

By | 2024-01-11T12:51:45+00:00 January 11th, 2024|press release|Comments Off on China launches new satellite for violent cosmic phenomena observation

Astronomers Uncover Seismic Ripples in Oldest Known Spiral Galaxy with ALMA’s Aid

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has enabled a team of scientists led by Dr. Takafumi Tsukui to observe seismic-like ripples in the ancient galactic disk of BRI 1335-0417, the oldest known spiral galaxy at over 12 billion years old. This unprecedented observation reveals the galaxy's dynamic growth patterns, showcasing a vertically oscillating disk movement [...]

By | 2024-01-16T09:49:50+00:00 January 3rd, 2024|press release|Comments Off on Astronomers Uncover Seismic Ripples in Oldest Known Spiral Galaxy with ALMA’s Aid

Super sharp images reveal a possible hypernebula powered by a source of fast radio bursts

A team led by astronomers in the Netherlands have confirmed a repeating FRB source to be linked to a potential ‘hypernebula’ – a dense and highly magnetised cloud of plasma that is illuminated by a powerful but still mysterious source. This confirmation was possible thanks to the use of the European VLBI Network (EVN) and [...]

By | 2023-12-04T10:16:48+00:00 December 4th, 2023|press release|Comments Off on Super sharp images reveal a possible hypernebula powered by a source of fast radio bursts

Discovery closes the supermassive black hole feeding-feedback loop

Three astronomers from the Netherlands have proven that gas that was previously heated near a supermassive black hole and flowed to the outskirts of the galaxy and cooled down, is moving back towards the black hole. While there had been indirect evidence for this theory, this is the first time that the cooled gas moving [...]

By | 2023-11-30T16:49:40+00:00 November 30th, 2023|press release|Comments Off on Discovery closes the supermassive black hole feeding-feedback loop